Jodie has struggled with her weight for past 10 years, she dieted on and off and tried pretty much every diet out there but nothing worked for her. However with the help of the Counterweight programme she was able to lose 4 stone and her blood glucose dropped from 12.3mmol/L to 5.4mmol/L! "I would absolutely recommend Counterweight to anyone. It’s so different from any other diets I’ve done because they actually teach you about how to maintain your weight loss and the support you get from the dietitians is incredible".
Meet Sharon, having reached what she describes as ‘rock bottom’, Sharon turned her life around with our Counterweight-Plus programme. Sharon talks about how she’s learnt to think differently about food and achieve moderation, and how she’s found a sustainable routine for exercise and monitoring that works for her. “I can’t even put this into words, my entire lifestyle has changed. I feel completely confident in my ability to keep the weight off, which is a big difference from another programme that I have tried in the past.”
After losing his father, father-in-law and grandfather to complications related to type 2 diabetes, Shalom knew he needed to take action. Shalom was able to achieve type 2 diabetes remission and stop taking diabetes medication.