Counterweight Programmes

Weight Loss
As our name suggests, we believe that finding a balance is what really matters when it comes to weight management. Counterweight weight loss programmes are designed to create long-term behavioural changes and provide you with the tools and support you need to achieve your weight loss goals.
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Type 2 Diabetes Management
The Counterweight Plus programme was used in the DiRECT clinical trial, the world’s largest ever study of type 2 diabetes remission funded by Diabetes UK. The programme was so successful that it made waves in the medical world and changed the understanding of treatment and management of type 2 diabetes around the world.
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Weight Loss for Fertility
Counterweight can support you and your partner on your fertility journey. We can help you lose weight, change your dietary and activity behaviours, and learn about all aspects of fertility nutrition. Our Nutrition Plus certified dietitian will take you through our weight loss and fertility programme. This will help you to lose weight and get started on your path to parenthood.
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