Sarah: "The soups and shakes give you the break that you need to just reset."
My name is Sarah, I’m 37 years old, I live in Guernsey with my husband and I work 6 days a week as a clinic manager. I’m a super busy person, my day normally starts at 4:30am when I get up for a walk and then I’m at work by 6:15am. I’ll be back home around 7:45pm when I spend some time in the garden and then I’m off to bed to do it all again the next day!
“I struggled with weight gain during the COVID pandemic”
As a person who thrives on structure, the lockdown really threw me. I have always been fit and healthy and had a good routine of going to the gym, but suddenly being locked inside without my routine was really difficult. I developed an unhealthy reliance on food for comfort and gained just over 10kg. Even when the lockdown lifted and life was getting back to normal, I found my eating habits were still lingering and I was so worried that if I didn’t nip it in the bud my weight and my health would continue to spiral out of control.
“The Counterweight-Plus programme gave me the reset I needed”
I decided to start the Counterweight-Plus programme because I needed a bit of a kickstart to lose the weight that I had gained during lockdown and reset my relationship with food. Given my weight gain, I didn’t feel confident enough to return to the gym so I knew that the soups and shakes would be a good option for me. I wasn’t even nervous to get started, just so excited to finally be taking action!
“The best part about the programme is the convenience”
It may not sound like it, but it was honestly easy. The soups and shakes are actually really really tasty and surprisingly filling, so you don’t feel like you need more food after having them. I loved not having to shop and cook and wash-up and the shakes gave me back the structure and routine that I needed. Even though I’ve finished the programme, I still continue to use the meal replacements for a few of my meals during the week when I’m home late and can’t be bothered. It’s so handy having a convenient option that’s also nutritious and tasty. Having the support from my dietitian was also really helpful, as they help you to stay motivated and to keep on track.
“I’m back to where I was pre-COVID”
On the Counterweight-Plus programme I was able to lose the 10.5kg I gained during the pandemic. Carrying that extra weight I just felt sluggish and generally a bit crap, but now my energy has returned and I feel so much better in myself. I gained back my control and my confidence!
“If you feel like your life is a bit chaotic, this programme is for you!”
I think that people might perceive that this programme is only for people with severe obesity or medical conditions, but it’s not. If you’ve noticed your weight start to creep up for whatever reason, this programme can help you to easily nip it in the bud. Especially if you feel like you’ve lost a bit of control over your eating habits due to COVID, the soups and shakes give you the break that you need to just reset. Plus the programme isn’t just focused on weight loss, it’s about the slow transition back to normal eating habits so that you can develop a healthy routine on the other end.